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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


This is me, in comic form! ok so its how I wish I looked lol.. we can all have dreams right!

Update on life

Well its been a while as usual, I always seem to forget about this thing. I am writing because I have problems as usual, my daughter had tubes put in her ears last august and her adenoids removed.. well last thursday she came home sick from preschool running a high fever and complaining that her right ear hurt..so guess what, yep her right ear tube has come out! While I know this is normal, its very frustrating at the same time, so we took her to the ENT yesterday(thats how we know the tube is out) and her ear is full of fluid again! She has been running a fever for 6 days now from 99.9-102.7, I have been giving her the usual ibuprofen/tylenol alternation encouraging fluids, and she is just not getting better. The doctor states that she will need to be seen again in atleast a month, thats when our follow up is scheduled for, but sooner if she does not get better and at that point we will decide what to do about her tubes, whether or not to proceed forward with a revision. She is more than likely going to need the tubes replaced, as she has suffered with ear infections since she was 7 months old, and they were only better when the tubes were both in and functioning.. so now I have to watch her suffer because the doctor wants to "give her body a chance to heal itself" I don't understand that, well I do and I don't! yes I know the body can do amazing things but at the same time given her history, I feel that why make her wait, she is having to miss preschool, I have had to miss work both of which are not good. I have decided that I will be calling the doctor by this coming Friday if she is not better and asking them to move forward sooner than later... and all this comes when we have a vacation planned at the end of April! Why couldn't those tubes just hold out until after vacation.. no seriously I just want her better and if she needs the tubes in her ears for now until her natural tubes in her ears start working.. then so be it..