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Friday, May 23, 2008


I LOVE SLEEP! I dont deny it to anyone, and when I come home from work, I want to go to bed after all I work the VAMPIRE Shift, dont get me wrong I love it, but just like anyone else on any other shift when I get home, I want to unwind, and go to bed just as if I worked 9a-5p So I get very irritated when I come home and I cant sleep! This could be do to various reasons, like the asshole landlords working on the house next door banging, clanging, sawing, and this morning they thought they were being clever and were crowing like a rooster, I guess it was suppose to be a joke. I would like to show them JOKE! So I decided I would write about this cause I am now frustrated and probably wont sleep, just my luck huh?!?!

NEXT, I put my two week notice in at my last job it was turned in per their requirements, and on the day that was suppose to be my last day THOSE ASSHOLES called me at home and said that I falsified my resignation and they were paying me my hours worked at minimum wage.... I was like WTF, how can you falsify a resignation, its in my handwriting, I had the fax confirmation sheet, they had their two week notice, So I proceeded to tell them that they were the MOST FUCKED UP FACILITY I HAD worked for in my 10 years of being a nurse, and that I wouldnt put my Dog there! So the DON and I had words and I threatened her with my attorney, who would take the case but do I want the head ache? Next the administrator calls me and starts yelling at me, I said if you are going to call my house and yell at me I would rather you just not call, she kept yelling, so I said you are harrassing me and you will hear from my lawyer, she said "THATS GREAT!" BITCH... so I figure I am done with them, NO NO, they call again the next day and proceed to yell at my HUSBAND, who is not doing so well mentally and he told them, it was the DON, ADMINISTRATOR, AND HR person on speaker phone ( I HATE SPEAKER PHONE CONVERSATIONS) he told them they could all go FUCK THEMSELVES, and maybe the administrator who's husband left her needs to get some because she is a bitch, and if they called here again HE would sue them for harassing him. Since then no calls, can you believe the BALLS on those bitches? If you are a nurse, or you have a loved one and are thinking of working or placing a loved one in this facility I would advise against it. Its name is Life Care Center, in New Port Richey Florida. Some of the stuff I saw go on there in the month and half I was there, like I said I wouldnt put my DOG there. Webfetti.comPLEASE SAVE ME!Webfetti.comWebfetti.com

and as you can see they are some pretty cool dogs? :)

Anyways I am going to attemtpt to lay down now, now that I have vented... check out my best friend's blog they link is there on the right, you will enjoy!

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